St. Joseph The Worker School

What is the year of founding?

The project was founded May 2016


Number of students

Boys are 17 and girls 25 totalling 42 students


Number of teachers

3 teachers


Classes from … up to…

playgroup up to grade 4


Subjects that are teached

Hygiene and Nutrition,Movements activities,Environtal activities,Mathematics,Christian religious,Music, Art and craft, english and swahili and Science


Names of teachers and other school staff

Teachers are Mourine Alucheri,Carren Awino,Carlyne Achieng. Mary Joseph is the cook and George Makori is the administrator



Tell us something about the history of your school

The is registered as a community based organization supporting the less privalaged children ,poor and orphans within the slums of Muthaiga lums and its enviromentsts


What are the aims of the St. Joseph School?

To promote,support and strengthen education at slum chidrenand to eradicate illieracy among the needy and orphans within Muthaiga sulms

Which experiences did you and your students gain through PAB-St.Joseph- exchange?

There is wider pool of knowledge,skills and direct contacts with PAB family,Its easier for us toestablish this parnership and it has increased our positive relationship which we can realize via receiving our monthly feeding program donations


Are there any addional points you want to mention?

We appreciate so much for PAB team for their time energy and the financial support that has made this partnership successful.

  Schulleiter George Makori