Videos about „Trades in Kenya“
Here you can see some videos from the form two class at Gituru Secondary School. They are aged 14 to 17 years.
They discussed a topic in their syllubus on TRADE. Trade is the selling and buying of goods and services and they made some demonstrations:
This is Reuben introducing the topic „trade“…
This is Jane in her Salon. She is explaining the hair industry …
Agnes explainning the second hand clothes market and items a very lucrative trade in Africa and in Kenya:
Zipporah explaining the importance of transport on trade to move goods from one place to another:
Moses explaining about his electronic shop and methods of purchase…
Grace demonstrating barter method of trade…exchange of goods for goods:
Samuel the doctor explainig medical services:
This group was demonstrating banking services as a form of trade:
Helen in her Bookshop. She explains how books and stationaries have led to advancement in education and the market: